Ever wonder why the old school Leadership Styles are no more yielding the results as they were some years ago? Actually, that was the style that has reached you where you are today. Than, why it is not working on your team now?
Some years ago but not long ago, any organization you walked in, you would be exposed to a particular set-up and a prototype organisational culture. The standard Leadership Styles, standard approach of a manager, controlled environment, etc. etc. Except a few MNCs, the scene was almost the same everywhere.
With all due to respect, the best of the best situational leadership training, 9 by 5 leadership training, or any other leadership training you might have undergone and acquired particular Leadership Styles, but these Leadership Styles have to come to their age. Not discounting what you have learnt in past, all I am recommending is that the time has come to tweak the Leadership Styles.

conventional LEADERSHIP STYLEs
Let’s take a quick look before going to the new Leadership Styles, how a conventional leader would most typically behaves. May be you can say the style is authoritative?
- Perform each task with greater vigilance and sharpness. Results are important, no matter what.
- Rules like a kingdom.
- May lost the direction at times and becomes unpredictable.
- Non empathetic, less agile and more pointed.
- 24 hrs. remains in character and unable to relax.
- Unable to erase incidences and failures.
- Constantly need an assistance to keep situation under control.
- Believes in removal of weak links in team

These Leadership Styles were all ok and were paying the results. However, the world has suddenly met two massive and almost sudden changes at a same time.
1. New generation entering the workforce and started to challenge the old paradigm.
2. The pandemic, work from home / virtual zoom meetings and limited resources.
These two major accidents that have jolted the businesses globally. This has lead everyone to re-think about what they are best at and how they deliver the best to customers.
The new age Leadership Styles
About 75% leaders ans senior managers have attained their position because of their double edged sharpness, and extraordinary functional competencies. Unfortunately, these competencies have now become less important and managerial skills have taken greater importance in the new age Leadership Styles. Let’s see the differences now.

- Focused and clear about “WHAT” and “HOW”
- Empathetic and ready to re-write the story
- Has an ability to ‘Erase’ and adopt to a new reality
- Show people a right path.
- Not in hurry to deliver ‘anyhow’, hence more logical in approach.
- Build relations, yet drive people for results.
- Believes in Coaching people.
Needless to say leaders are the driving force and growth engines of the organization, therefore the supreme importance must be given to Leadership Styles, culture and the social engagement of a leader.
Top 5 tips for new leadership styles
- Keep a check on your S.W.O.T, ideally do analysis at every 6 months interval.
- Identify 3 weakest behaviours displayed during last 3 months. Pick one and work on improving on it.
- Try and see the other side of the coin and be ready to erase your decisions & mistakes.
- Empathy is the key and emotional intelligence is a new way to growth path.
- Stop comparing your style with that of others, each one has unique way to deliver results.
If you find this article worth spreading, then do spread it on all possible social platforms. Let’s together evolve to embrace a new and better economy in next five years.
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